NICKNAMES are a part of every football club around Australia.

While it is not just a uniquely Australian thing to bestow nicknames on colleagues, calling someone by something other than their given name does seem more prominent at Aussie sporting clubs than anywhere else.

St Kilda is no exception to the rule. Some of the most significant figures in the club’s history can be easily identified by their nicknames.

Mention Yabby, Plugger, Doc, Banger, Roo or Cuz to any St Kilda fan worth their salt and they will instantly know who you are talking about.

The simplest nicknames can be an abbreviation or an extention of a surname. In a frenetic game such as Australian rules, it is much easier to shout “Kos” or “Dal” rather than the three-syllable alternatives.

But the current crop of Saints also has a sense of creativity when dubbing their teammates.

Leigh Montagna would rarely be addressed by his Christian name in the halls of Linen House Centre, instead he goes by the long-held nickname ‘Joey’ in reference to NFL legend Joe Montana.

Sam Fisher arrived at St Kilda one year after the club drafted Leigh Fisher (no relation). Some quick thinking from the Saints leadership group helped avoid any implosion that would come with having two players go by the nickname “Fish” so Sam became the obvious complement to Fish – Chips.

Distinguishing physical traits are often the inspiration for a nickname, as proven by Clint ‘Whitey’ Jones, Tom ‘Head’ Simpkin or Ben ‘Owl’ McEvoy, while there are other nicknames with a little more mystery like Jarryn ‘Thoomp’ Geary or Jason ‘Neil’ Blake.

Then of course there are the privileged few who manage to avoid any lasting nickname and like Madonna or Cher can be instantly recognised simply by their first name. You would be hard-pressed to find any football fan who could not identify the man they call Lenny.

The creative types at the Saints have their work cut out for themselves with nine new recruits over the off-season.

With that in mind, would like to put the call out to Saints supporters to come up with new nicknames for our nine recruits.

Tweet or facebook message us suggestions for nicknames for our new boys, starting today with Trent Dennis-Lane, Spencer White and Lewis Pierce.

The best nomination will win a signed photo of the player they have nicknamed.


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