Lenny Hayes is one of the most loved footballers in the country, but there's now evidence to show his popularity goes beyond AFL, and extends outside Australian borders.

Jake Roberts, an Australian-born St Kilda supporter, moved to Norway to be with his girlfriend, where he got a job looking after baby lambs that had been rejected by their mothers. Jake grew attached to the lambs and decided to name them, calling one of them 'Lenny', after his father Mark's favourite player, Lenny Hayes.

As Lenny grew older, Jake discovered the lamb was actually a girl, but decided he'd continue to call her Lenny regardless. Jake's parents recently ventured to Norway to visit their son and get a glimpse of the lamb they'd heard so much about.

SAINTS.com.au has seen thousands of photos of St Kilda supporters, but none quite like these! Thanks to Bev Roberts for sending them in.