Sunday 23rd January

While half the squad was split into two groups, one half went and did the Canyon Drop (I’m doing it tomorrow and will admit am feeling nervous!), the rest of us joined the water activity group and took part in a jet boat ride and a bit of kayaking. Dean Polo was my partner for the kayak activity - we aimed to paddle across towards one of the islands but stopped half way because we suddenly realised it was too far and looked a lot closer than it actually was.

After the group activities, some of us went into town and tried the famous ‘Fergburger’. I ordered the basic one and thought it tasted similar to Grill’d in Melbourne. We sat by the water enjoying the view and played a bit of cricket.

Monday 24th January

This morning we were up early for a full breakfast and training at the QEC (Queenstown Entertainment Centre). Similar to a normal training session, we did some weights and off legs and then some boxing and core yoga.

After the main session we went outside after seeing that the Pakistani cricket team were there training at the same venue as us. We watched them go through their paces and some of our boys who think they know how to play cricket had a few balls in the nets with the Pakistani batsmen, which was a great experience to see.

Some of our players got put in their place getting hit for six (Gwilt and Peake), and I think a few should have stayed behind the nets! Although, Gwilty was probably the best out of the lot, while Schneider and Peake got belted over the fence with every ball!

Once the nets session was over, we headed back to the team hotel for a group lunch and then sat in on a team meeting for the next two hours, which was good for the young guys as it taught them a bit of history about our game plan, and how we have managed to get to where we are.

Tomorrow we have a solid training session in the morning back at QEC before heading off for the group activities - Canyon Swing, here I come!

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