Dear members,
This note is to provide you with a high-level summary of the findings and recommendations of the Review of our Football Program, initiated in late July, to ensure that we were indeed building the foundations for long-term football success.
In short, the Review found that we had much to do, and needed significant change to build these foundations. You will see from the staffing appointments already announced that we are moving aggressively to implement the Review’s findings.
The Board and Management now have a very clear shared view of what needs to be done to ensure success and a firm resolve to deliver on it. I am now more optimistic than ever about the future of our Club.
We need your continued support as we work to ensure that our future is far more successful than our past.
Please find attached the Executive Summary of the Review, including findings, recommendations and a Report Card on implementation.
Yours sincerely,
Andrew Bassat
President, St Kilda Football Club